What causes delayed puberty in males
A smaller number of boys with delayed puberty have a lifelong deficiency of the puberty hormones lh and fsh, a problem we call isolated gonadotropin deficiency (igd).Primary hypogonadism this is when the testes do not respond to the hormones (fsh and lh) made by the pituitary gland.In this scenario, the brain sends a lot of hormonal signals (high gonadotropin ), but the gonads are unable to respond to said signals causing hypergonadotropic hypogonadism.Delayed puberty is generally more common in boys.Medical conditions, including diabetes, cystic fibrosis or kidney disease, can cause delayed puberty, but sometimes no cause can be identified.
Delayed puberty most often has no known cause.This constitutional delay of growth, development or puberty is the most common reason puberty is overdue, especially in boys.It has been shown to affect men more.In many cases, when the cause is treated, puberty proceeds normally.Signs of delayed puberty the most common sign of delayed puberty is the delay in the development of the secondary sexual characteristics of the child (2).
Occasionally it can be caused by:Disorders of the thyroid or pituitary glands may cause delayed puberty.Your son will typically do well if he has delayed puberty, but eventually starts showing signs of puberty on his own.By far, the most common cause is constitutional delayed puberty.The penis and testicles not starting to grow larger by age 14 genital growth that takes longer than 5 years
In some cases, there is no known cause behind delayed puberty, while in others, it can be due to several causes.In other cases, it may be caused by any of these:Delayed puberty (puberty after age 14) is directly linked to delayed release of gonadotropins from the pituitary.In some cases, treatment may be done with hormone therapy.Peripheral causes that may lead to delayed puberty in boys include: