What percentage of Jamaica is Islam

What percentage of Jamaica is Islam

[1] islam is the predominant religion in the middle east, some parts of africa and asia.Muslim population of the ethnic group total population of the ethnic group % of the ethnic group that is muslim islamic sects school of jurisprudence refs.The only exception to this rule is the display of turkey's percentage of world population as 4.7% rather than ~5%. indicates that the number of muslims is too small to be reliably estimated.In the mayotte is 98.6% muslims more than it is in jamaica population:In the mayotte is 197,200 muslims more than it is in jamaica

Jamaica 2018 international religious freedom report.Jamaica ranked second last for islam > percentage muslim amongst former british colonies in 2004.Islam is a minority religion in all of the countries and territories of the americas, around 1% of north america population are muslims, and 0.1% of latin america and caribbean population are muslims.The largest muslims concentration of those.The first muslims arrived in jamaica as enslaved people.

They account for 0.8% of the country's population.Muslims, jews, and rastafarians, as well as baha'i, buddhist, and hindu groups,.26 percent of the population belongs to various branches of the church of god;As of 2011, there are about 8,000 adherents of the bahá'í faith in jamaica.

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