How do you tolerate anxiety
Start the test with those caveats out of the way, the following are several strategies for overcoming work anxiety:Start small and utilize your coping strategies to help you reduce your feelings of anxiety.To be clear, overcoming social anxiety is doable.Dont spend time with people who encourage you to drink too much or use drugs, or who create stressful situations.A few simple strategies you may want to try are yoga, lighting candles, taking baths, and reading a good book.
Deep breathing exercises to reduce anxiety a word from verywellEmbrace, rather than resist it.And in many cases, far more straightforward than you think (or have been led to believe).Remind yourself about the things you can do well.Shout it out talking to a trusted friend is one way to cope with anxiety.
But it will be work.Lifestyle changes, such as skipping caffeine, exercising regularly, and avoiding medicines or substances that might cause anxiety symptoms.Reduce your caffeine intake caffeine is a chemical found in coffee, tea, chocolate,.Releases neurotransmitters that have an uplifting effect on mood.Find things to do that don't involve alcohol (since alcohol can cause setbacks in anxiety treatments).
Practice tolerating uncertainty once you have a list of behaviours that you do to reduce or avoid uncertainty, then start picking small items that you can do to practise tolerating uncertainty.