Can your baby be overweight
The infants who continue to be overweight as children and adults usually have parents, siblings, or grandparents who are overweight.Avoid solids for at least 6 months.But don't rely on weight as an indicator of whether you're overfeeding baby.Any infant with a strong family tendency toward obesity needs help.Some mothers cannot do this at all, and many cannot do it for very long.
Research on more than 7,000 families found that simple.The best thing you can do to lessen the chance that your baby will become overweight as a child or as an adult is to breastfeed as long as possible.While a large baby may not become an overweight child, a child who is obese often remains obese as an adult.If the mother or both parents are significantly overweight there is a significantly greater chance of a baby being overweight as it grows up.It can be dangerous to limit your baby's growth by limiting nursing, as your baby needs the nutrients and fat for proper growth and brain development.
Monitor your weight gain during pregnancy.Less screen time and more sleep.The reality is that baby fat turns into child fat, which turns into adult fat.Overweight and obese men and women.Here are 5 key ways you can help your child maintain a healthy weight:
Growth rates continue to fluctuate for.