What is convergence and divergence biology

What is convergence and divergence biology

A classic example of this is that both birds and bats have evolved wings, but do not share a common ancestor prior to the development of this trait.Convergent evolution is the phenomenon by which two separate species evolve a shared trait.Collins dictionary of medicine © robert m.Convergent evolution is the process in which organisms that are not closely related independently evolve similar features.While divergent evolution is rising to new species which may be identical in function but morphologically disparate from their ancestors.

An example is wings of birds, bats, insects.whereas divergent evolution gives rise to new species which may be similar in function but morphologically different from their ancestors.Relates species that evolve similarly as they adapt to similar environments.In evolutionary biology, convergent evolution is defined as the process whereby distantly related organisms independently evolve similar traits to adapt to similar necessities.Convergent evolution is the type of evolution in which organisms belonging to different origins (distantly related or organism with different phylogeny) evolve independently to have similar kinds of traits.From wikipedia, the free encyclopedia convergent evolution in evolutionary biology, convergent evolution is the process whereby organisms not closely related (not monophyletic), independently.

Convergent evolution on the other hand is when two unrelated species develop similar traits because they live in similar environments.An example is wings of birds, bats, insects.Divergent evolution leads to speciation while convergent.In its essence, this is a multidirectional variability that arises from the adaptation of living beings to different conditions.Adaptions may take the form of similar body forms, colors, organs and other adaptions which make up the organism 's phenotype.

Divergence in biology means the emergence of a difference in signs in organisms.

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